
Monday, January 4, 2010

Cake Charms Contest

Wedding Quiz
E-mail your answers to by Friday, January 8th for your chance to win a set of Cake Charms at the ClarksvilleBrides Wedding & Event Showcase on Sunday, January 10, 2010.

1. What's the average length of an engagement?

a. 6 months
b. 1 year
c. 1.5 years
d. 2.6 years

2. If the bride has been married before, what is she not supposed to do?

a. Wear white
b. Wear a veil
c. Kiss the groom
d. Throw her garter

3. How many servings does the average three-tiered wedding cake provide?

a. 200
b. 153
c. 88
d. 99

4. How did the Roman phrase "tie the knot" originate?

a. The groom knotted a rope to represent the bonds of love.
b. The bride's girdle had many knots for the groom to untie.
c. The horses for the honeymoon were tied outside.
d. The groom and the bride were tied together as a prank.

5. Why was rice traditionally thrown at weddings?

a. It was inexpensive.
b. It symbolized fertility.
c. It wouldn't stain the bride's gown.
d. It symbolized future prosperity.

6. Why do drivers honk their car horns after a wedding?

a. It's in the tradition of making loud noises to scare off evil spirits.
b. A lot of guests can't wait to get to the open bar at the reception.
c. Horns are meant to remind us of the Horn of Plenty.
d. It's the fastest way to clear the newlyweds' way to the honeymoon.

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